African Groundnut Council

The African Groundnut Council chi Intergovernmental organization mache kidunyogba wabokumakopa ójanecountries of the Gambia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, the Sudan manyi Nigeria.

Madugbenyane óchù èkègwá 1964, the AGC iduojane Lagos, Nigeria, madugbenyane gbogbo 2005, takì madulolo tì kano. Ma duloko ègba 2005 ínojí álu kama chujeju abukuma kpupa ójane Nígèríá . Eneẹjodudu executive secretary èjí ùjejù odoñ chí Jacques Diouf.

Ètè kùma dugbẹ nyane AGC chi kidunyogba wi economic cooperation manyu kumanekẹ ch'oluká agunu inyanyì aja eduteñ wabo kumakuche dùfù ójane African, manyù makeñ aja jọ, matene umá manyù majeu kídè wa amì ibomá. igometi ìche kuma kódufu countries mádè pkọlama agbenyu kwì ènyo kiyawa kwojane má manyu foreign ùkpailọ richiti kwi opaeko. Èhí AGC mádu gbe nyane tódù kì chatekó ugbè nyane udama ugbogaga kùma dù aja ómemele wá ábuku makopa kpáí aja kí chenyó ójane ílè gbáa.



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